Currently booked up until

April 2027



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600 extra primary school teacher 2024

    Graduates opting for work over education, and tech industry offering highest salaries.

    Defence Forces Currently Recruiting

 Join An Garda Síochána and information on the Garda Reserve 

ESB Careers Join us for your Brighter Future at ESB




Career-Guide services:



  • CAO; (UK) UCAS; and direct entry course exploration


  • Leaving Certificate subject review for 3rd year and TY students 

James Galvin prides himself on his personal approach and excellent service.  Read the testimonials for the positive experiences of clients. Career-guide was established in 2014. The founder is James Galvin a qualified career Guidance Counsellor in Cork.  Working as a Guidance Counsellor and Teacher in County Limerick with 20 years educational experience.  Also regularly works in University on Limerick as a Guest Lecturer.  James has studied and researched extensively in the area of career guidance and delivers an innovative form of career exploration utilising the most up to date testing and techniques.

Why Use  a Career Guidance Professional ?

Further education or training can be a huge personal and family expense. Therefore, gaining as much information and possible solutions is crucial.  Engaging with a professional that has extensive expertise can help you to explore options or achieve that employment that you deserve.

Experience Shows!

Clients gain an understanding of personal career exploration techniques and a deeper understanding of how to develop and deliver on their potential. 


“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.” Steve Jobs